Why choose a tilted solar panel for your home?

When installing solar panels on your home, one of the things you need to consider is the tilt at which it will be installed. This may seem like a minor detail; however, it plays an important role in ensuring your solar panel system will be at its productive and efficient best. The tilt refers to the angle at which the panels should ideally face the sun, which would vary depending on your geographical location and the tilt frame you use for your panels.

At Total Solar Solutions, we always advise that solar panels be installed at a tilt, even on a flat roof. Installing solar panels with tilt frames on a flat roof ensures you’re making the most of your investment, both in terms of cost and efficiency. Solar panels that are installed flat will gather more dust and soil, since it wouldn’t wash off properly when it rains. As a result, they would also get hotter since they can’t breathe as easily as panels installed at a tilt, which would affect their efficiency. Additionally, flat panels also perform poorly in the winter months, since the sunlight they receive is lower than panels installed at a tilt.

Here’s a comparative analysis between solar panels on tilt frames and those installed flat.

Tilt Frame Installation System Parameters

Manufacturer Power Rating for Array 99,710 W
Manufacturer and Model LG – LG295S1C-A5
Number of Panels 338
Total Panel Area 579.0 m2
Panel Type Monocrystalline
Panel Length 1,686 mm
Panel Width 1,016 mm
Panel Nominal Power (STC) 295 W
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature 45.0 °C
Temperature Coefficient for Power -0.41% / K
System Efficiency1 84%
Electricity Price $0.17 / kWh

Panel orientation and tilt

 Panel Type Name Panels Tilt Orientation (relative to N)
LG – LG295S1C-A5 338 22.5°

Estimated performance

Energy Output 131,859 kWh / year
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction 154,275 kg CO2 / year
Electricity Savings (maximum) $22,416 / year



Flat Installation System Parameters

Manufacturer Power Rating for Array 99,710 W
Manufacturer and Model LG – LG295S1C-A5
Number of Panels 338
Total Panel Area 579.0 m2
Panel Type Monocrystalline
Panel Length 1,686 mm
Panel Width 1,016 mm
Panel Nominal Power (STC) 295 W
Nominal Operating Cell Temperature 45.0 °C
Temperature Coefficient for Power -0.41 % / K
System Efficiency1 81% (reduced system efficiency due toincreased soiling issues, and increased heat retention)
Electricity Price $0.17 / kWh

Panel orientation and tilt

Type Name Panels Tilt Orientation (relative to N)
LG – LG295S1C-A5 338 3.0° 0.0°

Estimated performance

Energy Output2 121,133 kWh / year (8.2% overall less efficient than tilted system)
Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction3 141,726 kg CO2 / year
Electricity Savings (maximum)4 $20,593 / year


As the comparison suggests, a commercial solar system utilising tilt frames at 25° ± 5° will generate 7% to 9% more power over the year than a solar system installed flat. Moreover, due to the more “usable” production profile from a tilted system from summer though to winter, it will lead to a higher overall self-consumption rate, resulting in increased overall savings of 12% to 14% over the year.


For more information, or for a quote, please contact us at Total Solar Solutions by filling out the contact form, and our expert consultants will be in touch.