Solar Demystified: Breaking Down the Tech Jargon


The world of solar energy is filled with exciting possibilities, environmental benefits, and, unfortunately, a fair share of technical jargon that can sometimes seem like a barrier to understanding. From inverters to panels, to grid connectors, from batteries to rebated, this jumble of terms can make solar power feel like a distant and complex realm.

But fear not, for in this guide, we are here to demystify the world of solar technology. We’ll break down the technical jargon into simple, everyday language so that you can grasp the concepts, benefits, and challenges of solar energy.

Solar Inverter

A solar inverter is like the “translator” of your solar power system. It takes the electricity generated by your commercial solar panels, which is in a form that your home appliances can’t use and converts it into a type of electricity that your lights, gadgets, and appliances can use. Solar panels generate direct current (DC) electricity from sunlight. However, most of the things in your home use alternating current (AC) electricity. A solar inverter converts the DC electricity from your solar panels into AC electricity. Think of it as a bridge between your solar panels and the things you power in your home.

Solar inverters are essential for converting solar power into usable electricity, and there are different types like string inverters and micro inverters. You can find a breakdown below:

String Inverter

Simple Explanation: A string inverter is like a group manager for solar panels. It takes the electricity from multiple solar panels connected in a “string” and converts it to usable power.

Details: When you have several solar panels on your roof, a string inverter connects them in a series, like Christmas lights. It takes the combined electricity from all the panels and converts it into AC electricity. This is an efficient way to manage multiple panels.

Micro Inverter

Simple Explanation: A micro inverter is like a personal translator for each solar panel. Instead of connecting all your panels in a string, each panel gets its mini inverter, ensuring each panel’s electricity is optimised.

Details: With micro inverters, each solar panel has its little converter right on the roof. This means each panel can operate independently. So, if your roof is particularly complex with multiple orientations, micro inverters have greater design flexibility.

Solar Panels

Solar panels are like special “energy catchers” that you can put on your roof or in your backyard. They take sunlight and turn it into electricity for your home and are made up of many solar cells. These cells work together to capture sunlight and convert it into electrical power. When the sun shines on the panels, they generate electricity that you can use to power your lights, appliances, and more.

Below is a breakdown of some of the components of a solar panel:

Heterojunction Technology

Simple Explanation: Heterojunction technology is a fancy way to make solar panels work even better. It’s like giving your solar cells a boost to make them more efficient at turning sunlight into electricity.

Details: Heterojunction technology involves using different types of materials in the solar cells. These materials work together to capture more sunlight and turn it into electricity more effectively. This technology helps solar panels generate more power from the same amount of sunlight, which is great for getting more energy from your panels.

Split Cell

Simple Explanation: Split cell technology is a way to make solar panels more resilient. It’s like adding extra backup systems to your solar cells.

Details: In a split cell, a solar cell is divided into smaller parts, kind of like having safety nets. If one part gets shaded or damaged, the other parts can keep working. This makes solar panels more reliable and less prone to losing power if something goes wrong with one part of the cell.

Solar Panel Wafer

Simple Explanation: A solar panel wafer is like a tiny, flat piece of a solar cell. Think of it as a puzzle piece that, when put together, makes up a complete solar panel.

Details: Solar panel systems are made by connecting many small wafers, which are usually very thin and flat. These wafers are the building blocks of a solar cell. They capture sunlight and turn it into electricity. When these wafers are connected and arranged in a specific way, they create a complete solar panel that can be used to generate power from the sun.

Grid Connection

Grid connection means linking your home’s electricity system to the big network that provides power to houses and businesses. It’s like plugging into a giant electric supply. When your home is grid-connected, you can use electricity from the power company just like everyone else. It’s convenient because you don’t have to rely solely on your own power sources like solar panels or a generator. Your home can access electricity from the grid whenever you need it.

Export Limit

Simple Explanation: Export limit is like setting a boundary on how much extra electricity you can send from your property back to the electricity grid by controlling the solar inverter.

Details: If you have solar panels or another power source at home, you might generate more electricity than you can use. An export limit helps you decide how much of that extra electricity you can sell back to the grid. It prevents you from sending too much, which can sometimes overwhelm the grid.

Feed-In Tariff

Simple Explanation: A feed-in tariff is like a reward for producing your own electricity. It’s a bit like getting paid for being green and generating clean energy.

Details: With a feed-in tariff, the power company pays you for the excess electricity your solar panels or other power sources produce and feed back into the grid. It’s an incentive to encourage people to use renewable energy sources, like solar, and help the environment.

Certificate of Electrical Safety

Simple Explanation: A certificate of electrical safety is like a “seal of approval” for your electrical work. It’s a way to make sure everything is safe and up to code.

Details: When electrical work is done in your home, it needs to meet safety standards. A certificate of electrical safety is a document that shows the work has been inspected and meets those standards. It’s important for ensuring your home’s electrical system is safe and compliant with the law.


Simple Explanation: An independent LEI inspection is like having an expert double-check your electrical work to make sure it’s done correctly. This is needed for all significant electrical jobs.

Details: For important electrical work, like major installations or upgrades, it’s crucial to have an independent inspection by a Licensed Electrical Inspector (LEI). They’re experts who make sure the work is safe and follows all the rules. This helps ensure your electrical work is reliable and won’t cause problems in the future.


Batteries for solar panels are like energy storage containers. They store the extra electricity your panels generate during the day so you can use it at night or on cloudy days.

Solar panels produce electricity when the sun is shining. But what happens when the sun goes down or when it’s cloudy? That’s where solar batteries come in. They store the extra electricity generated during the day so you can tap into it when you need power in the evening or when it’s not sunny.

AC-Coupled Battery

Simple Explanation: An AC-coupled battery is like a detachable power bank that you can connect to your solar panel system. It works with your existing electrical system, converting and storing solar power as regular electricity.

Details: AC-coupled batteries are connected to your home’s electrical system and convert the DC (direct current) power from your solar panels into AC (alternating current) electricity, which your home appliances use. This means they can be added to your solar setup even if you didn’t originally plan for them, making them quite flexible.

DC-Coupled Battery

Simple Explanation: A DC-coupled battery is like a direct connection between your solar panels and the battery. It stores the power in its original form, just like your solar panels generate it.

Details: DC-coupled batteries are wired directly to your solar panels and store the electricity in DC form. This can be more efficient because there’s less energy loss in the conversion process. However, they might require a more complex installation and are typically chosen when designing a solar system from the ground up.


Rebates are like cashback or discounts for going solar. They’re a way to give you some money back for choosing to use clean and renewable energy.

When you install solar panels, some governments and organisations offer rebates to encourage you to go solar. These rebates reduce the cost of your solar panel system, making it more affordable for you. It’s like getting a bonus for making an eco-friendly choice.

These programs and organisations below aim to support and incentivise the adoption of solar power:

STC – Small Scale Technology Certificates

Simple Explanation: STCs are like certificates of gratitude from the Australian government for using solar power. They represent the environmental benefit of your solar system.

Details: When you install solar panels, you’re helping the environment by producing clean energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In return, the government issues STCs, which you can sell or trade to help lower the cost of your solar panel installation. It’s a way to thank you for your contribution to a cleaner planet.

Clean Energy Regulator

Simple Explanation: The Clean Energy Regulator is like the referee in the solar energy game. They make sure everyone plays by the rules and that clean energy initiatives are on track.

Details: The Clean Energy Regulator is a government agency responsible for overseeing programs like the STC scheme and making sure they’re fair and transparent. They also keep an eye on renewable energy projects to ensure they meet environmental and energy production standards.

Solar Victoria – Victoria’s Solar Rebate Governing Body

Simple Explanation: Solar Victoria is like the boss of solar rebates in the state of Victoria. They make sure the rebates work smoothly and help Victorians go solar.

Details: In the state of Victoria, Solar Victoria is the organisation in charge of managing and distributing solar rebates. They help residents access incentives and rebates for solar panel installations, making it easier for people to transition to solar energy and enjoy its benefits.


In the world of solar power, knowledge is key to unlocking the incredible potential of clean and renewable energy. We’ve demystified the jargon, clarified the concepts, and made it easier for you to embrace the sun’s energy in your daily life.

Solar power isn’t just for tech-savvy experts; it’s for everyone who cares about the environment, wants to save on energy bills, and be part of a sustainable future. So, whether you’re considering solar panels for your home, business, or simply exploring the possibilities, you’re now well-equipped to embark on your solar journey with confidence.

Contact us today at Total Solar on +03 9729 0894 or email us at [email protected]